Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Discussion Questions For Chp. 3

1. Lovejoy talks about the effects that new technologies, like television, have had on art.  She explains that the television is a collection of all subjects are mixed into a mass of information that has changed the ways people perceive things.  How do you think new technologies like social networking sites and the internet have pushed people's perceptions even further?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Discussion Questions for "Medium is the Massage"

1.  McLuhan talks about how electric media has widened the family circle. Before it was just a mom and dad that really shaped a person, but now people are shaped by numerous electronic sources.  Do you see this in your own life, and how do you think it has affected you?

2. According to McLuhan there is a conflict in education due to the need for a switch from traditional instruction to a means of learning through discovery. Do you think this shift is necessary? Why or why not?